Monday, September 12, 2011

Заседание Координационного совета по правам

21-22 сентября 2011 года состоится Заседание Координационного совета по правам человека (ауд. 347, 365).

21st of September, 2011
Moscow, Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia
Tentative Programme
10:00 – 10:15             Welcome speeches
10:15 – 11:30             Presentation and discussion on the project progress:
Evaluation of the project implementation for academic year 2010-2011
-          Mobility issues and exchange of students and lecturers
-          Use of resource center
-          Management issues
11:30 – 11:50             Break
11:50- 13:00               Review and discussion of the strategy concept for the next phase of the                                      project 2011-2012 and beyond:
-          Review of Co-operation Agreement with EIUC to strengthen current cooperation and strategize long term partnership
-          Development of the project including resource mobilization and sustainability of the achievements 
13:00 – 14:30             Lunch break
14:30 – 15:00             Additional OHCHR Fund support to the project in 2012: 
-          To discuss scheme/modalities of possible study-visits of students as well as professors to OHCHR in Geneva
-          Invitation of OHCHR staff (senior level) to deliver lectures/presentation on the functioning of their respective branches or divisions    
15:00 – 15:30             Wrap-up
22nd of September, 2011
11:00   - 13:00                        Meeting Moscow programme coordinators with programme coordinators                                     from Gumilev National State University and Donetsk National University                                   to strengthen current cooperation and discuss the development the project                           (enrollement of students, study visit to Venice of students and coordinators                          within the 2012 Venice summer school)