Monday, January 24, 2011



Celer Faculdades began a big and historic project in 2010 for Santa Catarina state and the country.
Keeping its management in quality education, with the objective of approaching the academic relations with other universities, materializing each day, in a coherent way, the effective actions, the research specialization, a better communication space between institutions, as well as the social-economic and cultural development in the society.
The actions listed in a transparent and compromised way, fulfilling the proposal of keeping opened the institutional agreement proposals; it made with some representatives of our State began an agreement for the country.
“This work recognition reflects in a joint participation of Celer Faculdades activities, which is now also recognized internationally, it is results of concrete projects realized in the last years and they get stronger each day before the community, says the director of Celer Faculdades.
Meetings with the representatives of the Abroad Relations Department, with the International Articulation Government Department in Santa Catarina, in 2010, the direction of Celer Faculdades represented by Ioli Rossatto and Idacir Antônio Orso, the Law Coordinator Anne Margareth Knapp Faé and the International Relations Director Vinicius Almada Mozetic – made efforts to start the activities in 2011 in the International Excellency Center for Latin America.
The activities for 2011 and the following years are: “Advanced research centers”, materializing the wish of increasing the teaching quality and the development of our region as a whole, including opening doors for future agreements in many sectors, which will be defined as the society necessity or interest.
The actions will be coordinated by the International relations direction, International Excellency Center for Latin America and Law Coordination of Celer Faculdades with other departments enrolled: International relations Vice-Reitoria of Autonomous University in Barcelona, Law Philosophy Department of Sevilla University, Law Philosophy of Burgos University, Global studies Institute and Latin America in Hamburg - Germany, Dalla Lana School of Public health and Comparative Program in health and society of Toronto University – Canada, Department for the cooperation with International Organizations of Peoples’ Friendship University in Moscow – Russia, Law International Department of Praga – Czech Republic, the Office of the high comissariant for the human rights ONU in Genebra – Switzerland, Law Course Department of New Lisboa University, Economy and Law Department University Linneus in Sweden. Norwegian Royal embassy in Greece, Department of International Cooperation in Trento – Italy, Department of International Cooperation of Bologna-Italy University, between many other universities in Brazil and Latin America, which has already started academic cooperation with CEIAL, through the agreements; says the president of the Institute, Vinícius Almada Mozetic.
Participating in the regional development process, in the exchange of experiences and people, in the teaching staff area, the investigation and culture between the Nations, always projecting a future of Excellency in the research, with the sure we are in our first step of a long and happy journey, says Vinícius Almada Mozetic – President of the International Excellency Institute. 
            For 2011, the president of the Institute – Prof. Vinícius A. Mozetic was invited to select at People's Friendship University in Moscow. After, it begins the international cooperation procedures. Joint publications books in the Law area, for example, are priorities between researchers; that’s why the importance in increasing the teachers participation.
            To understand better, explains Vinícius A. Mozetic, the objective of the International Excellency Institute – Latin America is direct, among determined norms, the actions to be developed by the entity as: I – Promotion of the integration Teaching-Company-Community and Teaching-Company-State; II – Promotion in studies, researches, projects, training and services for the public Power (direct and indirect administration) and private sector; III – Free Promotion of educational activities which want to reach the institution objectives, giving scholarship and scientific investigation to improve the regional human resources; IV – Articulation with public or private, national or Foreigner, viewing the way of contribution, agreements, partnership or friendship, to execute the programs and activities in development and improvement; V – Volunteering Promotion, of the ethic, peace, citizenship, human rights, democracy and other universal values; VI – Studies and researches, development of alternative technologies, production, publication and spreading the information and technician and scientific knowledge; VII – Rescue the culture and the history of the Latin-Americans people; VIIII – Develop radio and community television activities IX - defense, preservation and the environment conservation and promotion of the sustainable development; X – testing new social-productive samples and alternative production systems, commerce, employment and credit.
We are compromised with the development and we do not measure efforts to realize one o four main objectives: knowledge and development for the world.
 Believing in the concretion of these projects, we want to thank the whole European community and mainly Moscow.

Vinícius Almada Mozetic – President of the International Excellency Institute – Latin America